Generation WHY?

As the next generation of young adults enter our workforce... I am sure that many of you have noticed some differences of perspective when it comes to attitude, skills and approach to labor.  You will respond to this and how you respond will make an impact.  This is powerful.  Your reaction has the potential to shape our future leaders.

I don’t like to use the term ROLE MODEL... But that is exactly what Generation Y & the Linkster Generation see when they are working with and for a more experienced person. These young people are like fresh clay being formed.  When you are managing them, keep in mind that they will replicate your behavior and actions.  Knowing this, you must decide if you want them to handle themselves in a positive or negative way and in turn, represent your business in the same manner.  If you make the RIGHT choices in times of difficulty, you are empowering others to do the same.  The younger generation is very good at duplicating processes; even to the very smallest detail.  They do this because this has been their method of learning since grade school.  Teachers and parents list the steps and show them "exactly" what is expected when they are given a task.  In fact it is even common for a teacher to give students a previously completed assignment so that they have a model to use as they complete the work.  And we wonder why this young group has a difficult time problem solving...jeez...

So never before has the expression, "lead by example" been more important as you build your team and raise the future of your company.  Remember, if you are working with this generation, you have a great responsibility to set the stage for success.  Although some may view this as an unwelcome burden, the smart business owners and managers should view this as a privilege.  This capability has infinite rewards not just for you but for your customers, business partners and your industry.

Be sure to not discount the impact your actions, behavior and choices have in everything you do around Gen Y and Gen M.  They won't ask you WHY you do something.  They trust that you are being honest and true and showing them the BEST possible solution to whatever situation they are faced with... They do this because they have been told their whole life how "great" they are and how "liked" they are.  They have all been made to feel like a winner even when they come in last place.  So please know that they most likely won't question your motives.  They will expect that you are doing whatever is best for them and the company.  They will view this as their "pass" to do the same.

o   If they see you lie to a customer – they will lie to a customer

o   If they watch you fix a piece of equipment in a certain way – they will never forget how you did this and always attempt to fix this problem the same way

o   If they observe you making a sale on a product – they will become confident to sell and probably use the same “pitch” they observed you using (maybe even word for word!)

o   If they witness you taking extra care when handling company property – they will also be extra careful when doing the same

o   If you are doubtful, accusatory and frustrated at work – eventually they will portray that same outlook because they see it as acceptable

o   If you are confident, kind and willing to teach them –they will become confident, kind and willing to teach others…the kind of employee that keeps on giving!

However, the best part about all of this... If you take advantage of this position, you will be able two have a GREAT team that can withstand.  Once they learn from you, whether a skill or attitude, they become very good at performing that way.  This can be very valuable.

Well... If you have felt the least bit insignificant, please know that you have the power to shape our future by how you interact with these young people entering our current workforce.  Now you know…how will you respond?


Growing Pains…